
Tonight I planned for Paris after work. Well not so much planned as expected. One thing led to the next and I ended up having to stay on the clock until 9:45pm instead of the usual 7:30pm. The last train to Paris leaves at 8:59pm…

Now, I’m going to bed earlyish in an effort to arise early. Gonna wake my au pair-of-ass cheeks up at 5:00am, get maself a hot croissant and the first train to Paris! As my grandpa says, I’m gettin’ outta dodge. And why wake at an ungodly hour on my day off??? Because I can. The dalai lama does it, and without the motivation of irish coffee and banana splits. Whatta guy.

Soon as I realized my evening would not include a pint of Guinness with my usual Friday dates at the Coq & Bulldog, I felt like pouting. Instead of pouting, I whipped out my tattered Paris map real cool-like. Cool Whip, get it? And highlighted a few of the streets I am familiar with by way of walking. Just then I had an idea: why not color this whole bloody map in highlighter, and walk every street in Paris proper? Maybe I’ve gone mad to assign myself the task. Maybe I’ll go mad walking Paris. Or maybe I’d be mad NOT to do it! Free entertainment afterall, no? Plus a bit of exercise every once in a great while doesn’t hurt.

So here’s a “before picture” of my foot map in it’s infancy. If it was a rapper, I’d call it Yung Paris Walker. *mic drop*

Yung Paris
Yung Paris Walker

4 thoughts on “徒競走

  1. Even if you don’t manage to go down every street, that map is a great idea and you will cherish it forever! I do like the goal, though. I think you can do it. Those au-pair-of-ass cheeks will be BANGIN’ when you’re done.

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